United Kingdom
1300 employees, over one million members
UNISON goes mobile with

UNISON goes mobile with to boost SharePoint adoption.


The mobile experience of using SharePoint with is incredibly popular with UNISON’s employees. When out of the office, they can now instantly access their files, update documents, and upload their changes back into SharePoint from their phones. has transformed SharePoint from a potentially valuable but unpopular IT asset to a hugely successful and vital tool for UNISON’s mobile workforce.

“Our users no longer avoid using SharePoint. Instead, they're now saying they love to use the platform, with the help of”
Laurence Arterton, Head of Client Support & ICT Services

About Unison

UNISON is the UK’s largest trade union with a membership of 1.3 million workers. The organization’s membership is made up of workers in a wide range of sectors including local government, energy, health care, police, transport, and more. UNISON employs approximately 1300 staff located in 32 offices.

Open Case Study

Bring Everything Together in SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive

Unify your content - emails, documents, and conversations - drag and drop Outlook emails and attachments into SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive. Add emails to conversations without leaving Teams.